Mini Excavator & Skid Steer

Save time and money with our mini excavator and skid steer services.

Mini excavation Services

Skid Steer Services

Big Results From A Pocket-Sized Digger

Oak 42’s mini excavator packs a powerful punch, making it ideal for small-scale digging projects. For Excavating a pool, a mini excavator can be used to dig the hole, remove any debris, and level the area. With its ability to maneuver in tight spaces and dig deep holes, our mini excavator is the perfect tool for any pool-digging project.

Powerful and Efficient,
Oak 42 Can Handle Any Job

A skid steer is typically used to move heavy materials, as it is more efficient than moving heavy materials by hand. Our skid steer allows our team to complete projects and the cleanup thereafter quickly and efficiently. Whether we need to move tiles, concrete, wood, or any other type of materials, we can get the job done! 

Contact us today for more information

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